eDCSD Online is a K-12 online education program that is offered by the Douglas County School District.
At eDCSD Online, we understand that not all students thrive in the same environment and not all students learn the same way. Seeing this disconnect between traditional teaching and maximizing a student’s potential, we created another education option for your child. Online learning allows a student’s creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills to combine with technology for the ultimate educational experience.
eDCSD Online utilizes online curriculum provided by Florida Virtual School, eDynamic and Vista Higher Learning. These curricula are used by thousands of students across the country, which are high-tech, high-touch comprehensive learning packages that offer flexible, dynamic, and adventurous learning opportunities for all students.
Building a strong community is a vital element at eDCSD Online. Receiving an education online doesn’t mean your child won’t participate in the social activities vital to their development. Relationships within our community are what make this program a success. Relationships are created between students, families, and eDCSD Online teachers and staff in a variety of ways including:
The eDCSD Online community is dedicated to providing a safe environment that encourages student connection and fosters collaboration. We believe that digital literacy and citizenship skills have become essential for students in the 21st century. We are committed to teaching our students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly.
Personalized learning is another important part of eDCSD’s online education. Students are placed in courses that will best fit their abilities and interests. Teachers differentiate instruction according to student needs as they progress at their own pace.
eDCSD Online is part of the Douglas County School District. Students that reside in Douglas County and attend a DCSD school are eligible to apply to eDCSD Online. We accept students on both a full-time and part-time basis. Parents and students can work with our staff to design an educational program that best meets their needs. Schedules can incorporate classes both at a traditional brick and mortar school and online.
If your family believes attending a Colorado online high school, middle school, or elementary school is the best option for your child, contact eDCSD Online today!
eDCSD Online respects the choice you make for your child. Whether you choose online education, a combination of classroom and online education, or traditional education, we are committed to helping your child thrive.