Are you interested in Career and Technical Opportunities within our district?
DCSD offers a variety of training in everything from cosmetology to automotive to culinary! Click on the link to see all the amazing options students have!
Are you interested in taking classes that count for both college and high school credit? DCSD has an incredible offering of classes. Click on the link to see some of the great courses available to you!
Click HERE for the Career and Technology Education program Video
Click HERE for the Concurrent Enrollment Information Video
Students taking PSAT can sign up for SAT study plan
Colorado 10th-graders who take the PSAT for the first can sign up for the Khan Academy's resources to help them study for next year's SAT.
After receiving their PSAT results, students may upload their tests to their Khan Academy account to get customized SAT practice recommendations that are designed to help them where they need it the most.
For more information about the Colorado PSAT 10, please go to To register for Khan Academy, students may go to this link:
Many are unaware of the major overhaul the SAT underwent in the 2015-16. Our resource:
- Takes an in-depth look at updates made to the SAT test
- Breaks down the test, test sections, & test questions
- Covers test preparation from registration to test day
SAT Guide:
Click Here for Additional Information
TEST PREP FOR ACT/SAT If you would like to see some free practice tests and questions for both tests and some free resources in regards to each, click HERE

Click the ACT link above to see testing dates and locations, costs, etc.

Click the SAT link above to see testing dates and locations, costs, etc.
ACT/SAT Comparison